
Uninterrupted Power: Exploring the Minimal Impact of Solar Installations on Daily Business Operations

Blog | July 12th, 2023

If you’ve thought about investing in solar for your business, you’ve probably considered how installing a system would impact your daily operations.


While many businesses have decided against investing in a solar PV system due to misguided beliefs about multiple power outages and construction problems, the truth is installing solar is not a particularly complicated process, even when considering installations of 100kW and above.


Understanding the basic steps involved in going solar will decrease the impact solar will have on your business operations and make the installation process as easy and stress-free as possible.


Step 1. Choose Your Solar PV Provider

It’s important to choose a reputable Solar Provider to safeguard your investment.

Solar Energy Enterprises is proud to be one of the few long-standing Australian Owned commercial solar providers with more than 10 years of experience delivering for our clients.

We’re forward thinking and focused on being your long-term solar partner, offering dedicated end-to-end service from our inhouse team. Solar Energy Enterprises offers alternative solar financing options which do not require upfront capital, including Solar PPAs and Solar Leasing.

Supplying over 10MW of solar for businesses and government facilities since 2011, Solar Energy Enterprises are experts in commercial solar.


Step 2. Quotation and Agreement

Through our detailed analysis of the load profile, predicted solar production, and financial analysis, Solar Energy Enterprises will determine the optimum system size for your business so your return on investment is maximised.

Once you have chosen your preferred components, you’ll enter into an agreement with your chosen solar provider.

In some cases, the installation of a solar system will mean that it’s in your best interests for your business’s electricity retailer agreement to be revised. Solar Energy Enterprises can assist you with reviewing your options and negotiating the best retailer agreement for your circumstances.


Step 3. Obtain Building and/or Council Permits

In order to install solar on your business’s building, you may be required to obtain building or council permit(s). Whether you’re required to seek Council Development Approval or not will depend on your building.

Factors that can impact this include:

  • Your state or territory’s building codes and regulations
  • If your building is within a conservation or heritage overlay
  • Your building’s classification under the Australian Building Code
  • Your solar PV system’s size and position
  • The weight and design of your system

At Solar Energy Enterprises, we complete any Council Approvals you may require. This is done at no additional cost in order to make the solar process as seamless as possible for your business.


In general, a state or territory Building Permit is required before any building work can begin. There are certain exemptions when a Building Permit is not required for solar, usually related to the location of your business or the size of your planned solar PV system.

Thanks to our extensive experience in the commercial solar sector, Solar Energy Enterprises can assist with determining if your installation will require a Building Permit, and ensure your installation fully complies with all applicable building standards.


Step 4. Understand Your Grid Connection Requirements

Connecting your solar PV system isn’t quite as simple as plugging in a new dishwasher. While a solar PV system only needs panels and an inverter to “work”, your Network Operator may require you to have additional componentry installed or complete extensive testing. This can include grid protection, export control, power quality logging and witness testing.


In addition, a Connection Agreement with your local DNSP (Distribution Network Service Provider) is a national requirement for connecting a solar system to the grid. Your Connection Agreement will outline the terms of your connection and require your signature.


If you are eligible to receive a feed-in tariff for any exported solar electricity, you’ll also need to negotiate an Export Agreement with the DNSP.

Solar Energy Enterprises includes the costs of any additional componentry and testing in your quote and have extensive experience working with the DNSP.

Step 5. Apply for Government Rebates

Under the Federal Government’s Renewable Energy Target, STCs (small-scale technology certificates) are eligible for small-scale renewable energy generation installations under 100kW, while LGCs (large-scale generation certificates) are eligible for large-scale renewable energy installations above 100kW.

Both certificates create a significant financial incentive for businesses to install solar depending on the size of your system.

Solar Energy Enterprises can assist with the accreditation and process for both STC’s and LGC’s.

For more information on these incentives, click here.

Step 6. Installation

Contingent on the size of your system, installation may take anywhere from just a day or two (10kW) to several weeks (600kW).

Thankfully, when completed by expert, knowledgeable installers, like our CEC approved electricians, the process should cause no more than a minimal disruption to your business.

If your building lacks roof space, the installation of mounting frames may cause a noise issue, especially if your business does not have good insulation.

The installation of your inverter(s) may also cause a noise issue depending on where they will be positioned in or outside the building.

And finally, when your solar PV system is ready to be connected to the grid, your business’s power will need to be turned off. However, this should take no more than an hour, and Solar Energy Enterprises will always work around your schedule to minimise any disturbance to your business.



To ensure going solar is as easy as possible for your business, it’s important to understand all the steps involved.

With minimal to no noise disturbance depending on your building’s layout and positioning, plus negligible power outages, going solar will not require most businesses to close their operations, making the long-term benefits of solar far outweigh any short-term inconveniences.


To find out how solar could help your business cut costs, call us on (02) 8318 460, or submit an enquiry: https://www.solarenergyenterprises.com.au/contact-us/



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